Martha Martin Dar
Martha Martin Dar, Member of the National Legislative Assembly, Chairperson for Gender, Children & Social Welfare:
“As a Women Political Leaders Ambassador for South Sudan. I am recommitting my parliamentary role in effectively monitoring and evaluating gender equality and mainstreaming in all relevant government institutions and to ensure that they are fully implemented in letter and spirit as enshrined in all legislations.
I will fully strive to ensure that the Affirmative Action and Quotas for women’s political representation at all levels of government to redress historical imbalances are implemented.
At this juncture, it is imperative to note that I have already initiated a draft Sexual Offence Bill and Women Land Ownership Bill at the Specialized Committee Stage since I am the Chairperson imminent presentation to the August House.
I am also playing a major role in advocating and lobbying Women Parliamentarians to commit themselves in tracking the actualization of the provision of the CEDAW and the Maputo Protocol ( Protocol on the Right of Women in Africa).
Last but not least, I’m equally playing a major role in advocating, lobbying and following up the implementation of the South Sudan National Gender Policy.”