WPL and Vifor Pharma launch gender-sensitive toolkit on iron deficiency

Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Red blood cells flowing on white background

Women Political Leaders (WPL), with the support of Vifor Pharma, has produced an overview of responses to a healthcare issue that demonstrates an astounding lack of gender-sensitive awareness – the impact of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia on women. The ensuing repercussions have also been shown to adversely affect economies and healthcare systems.

Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common deficiency worldwide, yet it affects women disproportionately. Despite existing therapies and successful treatments, 50% of pregnant women are iron deficient. Meanwhile, 42% of pregnant women and 30% of non-pregnant women suffer from anemia.

As the global rates of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) decrease, the disease burden gap between men and women continues to grow, including within Europe. This phenomenon forces us to consider the question: are our healthcare systems effectively addressing women’s unique healthcare needs?Women Political Leaders (WPL), with the support of Vifor Pharma, has produced an overview of responses to a healthcare issue that demonstrates an astounding lack of gender-sensitive awareness – the impact of ID and IDA on women. The ensuing repercussions have also been shown to adversely affect economies and healthcare systems.

Neglecting the negative impacts that iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia have on women, healthcare systems and economies is untenable.

The toolkit serves to help policymakers give iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia the awareness they need. It highlights target areas for political action and proposes collaborative policy responses that will allow parliamentarians to lead the charge in effectively reducing the presence of ID and IDA in women in the near future.

