A world with balance between women and men? A paceful world

Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Balanceforbetter collage

International Women’s Day 2019 also offered an opportunity to reflect on the role of balanced society on peace. Over 100 politicians from 51 countries shared with WPL their vision for a better world, answering the question What does a world with balance between women and men look like to you? When expressing their views of a balanced world, many women politicians stated how balanced opportunity and equal representativeness in society between women and man can pave the way towards a more peaceful world.

“An equal world would turn our societies prosperous. A place where everyone contributes on an equal footing, would achieve peace and resilience. A world in balance, harmony and full of creativity and potential.” – Hilde Vautmans, Member of the European Parliament

“Con l’equilibrio tra uomini e donne avremmo un mondo senza guerre, pulito, eco sostenibile, non violento. Un mondo a misura di bambini e anziani. Un mondo perfetto? No, diversamente giusto.” – Beatrice Lorenzin, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy

“Un monde avec un équilibre entre les hommes et les femmes sera un monde de justice parce la vie est comme une bicyclette il faut respecter les équilibres pour pouvoir avancer. Sans cette équilibre réalisée et respectée aucun developpement, aucune paix et aucune sécurité n est possible.” – Awa Diop Gueye, Vice-President of the National Assembly of Senegal & WPL Ambassador

Below, a collage of the responses from politicians around the world.
