Women’s journeys count

Saturday, June 20, 2020
Captura de pantalla 2020 06 20 a las 16.53.29

On World Refugee Day 2020, Women Political Leaders wishes to amplify the power of acceptance and the power of recognition. Alongside the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) campaign Every Action Counts, WPL highlights that women’s journeys count.  

Refugees, and women refugees in particular, endure crises that are more intense and harmful than many other groups. However, their voices are often ignored and marginalised, especially at times when they need help and recognition the most.

In particular, on this day, WPL wishes to amplify the experience of female refugees who have become politicians: to show the world that their journeys matter and that they make a difference not only for the refugees themselves, but for the betterment of the global community. 

The extraordinary journeys of female refugees becoming leading politicians is representative of the world we wish to live in; these journeys illustrate the courage, empathy, intelligence and resilience required to realise change in society and required to lead sustainably. 

WPL relates to the message that there is an urgent need to create a world where people have equal rights and opportunities.

 Follow WPL Social Media Platforms to learn more about it.
