Reykjavík Global Forum – Women Leaders: Amplifying Women’s Leadership in Peace Processes

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hofdi house picture

One of the places where women have been dramatically underrepresented is in national and international peace processes.

Women Political Leaders (WPL) is determined to highlight the work of women in the peace and security space, and encourages women around the globe to demand and take their seats at the table for these pivotal decision making processes.

Therefore, WPL gathered extraordinary women leaders for a roundtable conversation about peace and security, one of the most pressing topics in society today, during the Reykjavík Global Forum on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

The meeting was organised under the auspices of the Council of Women World Leaders (CWWL), the Höfði Reykjavík Peace Centre, and thanks to the collaborative effort of the City of Reykjavik and the University of Iceland, precious partners in this ground-breaking  gathering.

The conference offered the opportunity to acknowledge women’s active role in the remit by featuring talks of women leaders from all regions of the world to share their experience-based contributions to the solution of national and global challenges.

The outcome of the conference has been compiled into the Höfði House Report, which includes, among others, a call to leaders to act for peace and security upon the strengthening of diplomatic relations and adherence to international law and human rights.

The Report also addresses the drivers of violent extremism through SDGs, the promotion of women’s participation in the governmental security and the private sector’s contribution toward the prevention of violent extremism and the addressing of online hate speech, intolerance and fake news.

The conference took place within the framework of the inaugural Reykjavík Global Forum, in November, 2018, in Reykjavik, Iceland. It brought together over 400 distinguished leaders to discuss strategies for the improvement of societies from the perspective of equality between women and men in political decision-making and peace-making processes.

Co-hosted by Women Political Leaders and the Government and Parliament of Iceland, this year’s Reykjavík Global Forum will take place in November 18-20, in Reykjavik, Iceland. The 3-day Forum will bring together 450+ leaders in plenary conversations and inspiring LeaderTalks, as well as see the launch of the Community of Actions, a platform designed to allow the collation of a number of initiatives designed to stimulate change.

Read the report here
