WIP Latin America Reunion 2014 – Sao Paulo, Brazil (25-26 May 2014)

Friday, April 11, 2014
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The “Women in Parliaments Global Forum” (WIP) is hosting the “WIP Latin America Reunion 2014” in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 25 to 26 May 2014. The meeting will address the economic and social concerns for South America and the specific role of female Parliamentarians. The reunion is held in context of the conference on “Making vibrant growth for all”, organised by the Women’s Forum, a gathering of leading business women.

The “WIP Latin American Reunion 2014” will begin on Sunday (25 May) with a working dinner and a high-level keynote speaker. On Monday (26 May) morning, two working sessions with Panel debates will offer the opportunity to exchange views and experiences.

The first working session will revolve around the theme “Women in Parliaments: impact stories for economic growth” and will specifically address the evidence of the difference and added value that women make as Parliamentarians. The second working session will focus on the topic of “Legislators and the need to reconcile economic growth with equity and sustainability”.

Afterwards, for the first time the Women’s Forum will be open for female Parliamentarians. Participants of the “WIP Latin America Reunion 2014” can participate in the conference, which begins Monday lunchtime, immediately after the end of the “WIP Latin America Reunion 2014”.
