Time for a check-up: the state of mental healthcare in Europe

Monday, February 8, 2021
Wpl website centene

With strong women leaders and forward-looking action, 2021 will be a year to remember – a year in which great new positive strides are made. In the resonant words of Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the world’s first democratically elected woman President, and to date the longest-serving female Head of State: “If anything can save the world, women can.” 

Health has been an overriding concern throughout the past year, and the unprecedented crisis of global pandemic has left no doubt: the state of wellness does not consist of physical health alone but is firmly rooted in mental well-being. 

Mental health afflictions do not discriminate: women and men, rich and poor, young and old are all affected,” says Silvana Koch-Merin, President & Founder of Women Political Leaders (WPL). Given this imperative, WPL is providing policymakers and healthcare leaders with up-to-date data concerning mental healthcare in Europe.  

The report entitled “Time for a check-up: the state of mental healthcare in Europe” compiles insights from healthcare professionals and policymakers and was realised with the support of the healthcare company Centene. 

The report finds that education is key to creating more resilient and inclusive mental healthcare systems, encouraging the de-stigmatisation of mental health disorders. Furthermore, additional funding to enhance and expand available services, specialised training for medical staff, and coordination at all levels of governance national and local, institutional and non-institutional are among the key take-aways from this report based on surveys with experts in Europe.

Part 1 of the report, presenting a quantitative mapping of the state of mental healthcare in Europe, was published in November 2020 during the Reykjavík Global Forum Women Leaders, where mental health was intensively discussed at a session focused on this urgent issue.

At the session, which can be viewed here, immediate concern was stressed around the increased likelihood of depression and other trauma due to the current pandemic and consequent social isolation. “Time for a check-up: the state of mental healthcare in Europe” can be read in its entirety here.
