Reaching equality is everybody’s business: says WPL on International Women’s Day 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020
Copy of women are white

March 6th, 2019 – Women Political Leaders is calling on female and male Leaders to help ensure a long overdue acceleration of progress toward achieving equal status and opportunities for women globally. Nothing will happen unless everybody gets on board, speaks up, takes action and helps affect change. That’s why on International Women’s Day 2020 WPL is #CallingALLMen. 

“The world cannot wait for another 99.5 years to reach equality. The realisation of a world with equal opportunities both for women and men is everybody’s business. Male Leaders have a key role to play to get things moving even more than female leaders since they detain the power in many decision-making fora.” says Silvana Koch-Mehrin, President and Founder of WPL.

The Leadership campaign launched by WPL several years ago has garnered the commitment of more than 80 male Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world to increase the number of women in politics. Building on this commitment, the #IWD2020 campaign video is #CallingALLMen via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to join and celebrate International Women’s Day and help break down barriers to attaining equality for women.

2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most progressive roadmap ever for worldwide equality between women and men. Since then, progress has been anemic and there remains a lot of work to do. According to the WEF Global Gender Gap Report 2020, at the current rate, gender parity will not be achieved for another 99.5 years. To get things moving this International Women’s Day, WPL is adding its voice to the UN Women’s intergenerational campaign, #GenerationEquality and the International Women’s Day campaign of #EachforEqual.” 

For questions and requests for interviews please contact the WPL Press Office at [email protected] or call +32 2 733 13 44.

Notes to editors  

About WPL

Women Political Leaders (WPL) is the global network of female politicians. The mission of WPL is to increase both the number and the influence of women in political leadership positions. WPL members are women in political office – Presidents, Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliaments, Mayors. Membership is free and members are honoured by their participation. WPL strives in all its activities to demonstrate the impact of more women in political leadership, for the global better.
