Rosalía Arteaga
President of Ecuador (1997).
Rosalía Arteaga Serrano was born in Cuenca, Ecuador, on December 5, 1956. She is one of 10 democratically elected Presidents in Latin America and the youngest to take office, becoming the first woman president and vice president of Ecuador.
She was also undersecretary of Culture and Minister of Education Between 2004 and 2007, Rosalía was Secretary-General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA), an intergovernmental organization based in Brazil that seeks to preserve and develop the Amazon in a sustainable manner. The organization aims to increase the global negotiating capacity of the eight-member countries, as well as to increase regional cooperation. Arteaga played a substantial role in the actions carried out to preserve the region; she recommended policies that were worked with governments at all levels and obtained important resources for the region.
Her current work focuses on Human Rights education, women’s rights, sustainability, globalization, equality, access to information, and good governance.
She is currently the President of Fidal Foundation and Member of the Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria.
President Arteaga is a dedicated literary author with 15th books published.