Neema Lugangira
Hon. Neema Lugangira, Member of Parliament of Tanzania
Bio: Hon. Neema Lugangira (MP) is a Member of Parliament in Tanzania who bring forward extensive
experience and successful track record in championing policy advocacy and legislative reforms
across different sectors. As a Parliamentarians her personal prioritised agendas include food
systems, nutrition and climate action, digital inclusion and development, global and community
health, gender equality in politics and digital democracy (incl. election observation) in Tanzania
and across Africa.
She also serves as the Chair of the African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance
(APNIG) and the Chair of the Tanzania Chapter of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund.
At national level, Hon. Lugangira is the Founder of two NGOs; Agri Thamani, which is committed
to ending malnutrition through nutrition advocacy, improve community nutrition in schools,
elderly & hospitals; strengthen food systems and climate action; and Omuka Hub, which is
focused on accelerating digital Tanzania through digital inclusion & development, digital rights &
democracy; and digital advocacy with special focus on peripherals.
Whilst Internationally, Hon. Lugangira is a Member of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group of
the United National Internet Governance Forum; the International Parliamentary Network on
Education (IPNEd) Regional Representative for Africa; the UNITE – Global Parliamentarians
Network for Global Health; Global Co-Chair of the Global Parliamentary Group to Combat
Neglected Tropical Diseases, Vital Voices Fellow; WSIS Gender Trendsetter for Advancing Digital
Gender Inclusion; and Host to the soon-to-be launched Neema Lugangira Podcast discussing all
things development related to her above mentioned personal priority agendas.