Mk efrat raytan marom

Efrat Rayten-Marom

Efrat Rayten-Marom, Member of the Knesset of Israel

Bio: MK Efrat Rayten Marom is the Chair of the Labour faction. She was recently appointed as The Knesset’s WPL Ambassador. MK Rayten Marom was Chair of the Labor and Welfare Committee. She was born in 1972 in Israel; she is married with two children and lives in Jaffa.

Before entering politics, she was a renowned media personality and TV host, as well as a senior partner at the prestigious Goldfarb Seligman Law Offices, the third-largest law firm in Israel.

MK Rayten served in the IDF and was discharged with the rank of sergeant. She graduated from the Yoram Loewenstein School for Performing Arts in 1997 and went on to have a successful media career, acquiring an in-depth understanding of the field. She went on to study law, and she holds an LL.B. from the Academic Center of Law and Science. Since 2012, she has been a licensed attorney, certified by the Israel Bar Association.

As a partner at Goldfarb Seligman, she accumulated a great deal of invaluable experience representing the firm’s clients before the High Court of Justice, the State Comptroller’s Office, and the Companies Authority. She also mediated disputes in various fields, including commercial law, contract law, corporate law, libel, and more. One of the more notable cases for which she is known in Israel is representing the families of ten pre-army youths who tragically drowned during a day hike in the Negev, due to the negligence of the Education Ministry. She fought for the families in court and obtained an unprecedented sum in civil damages (the criminal case is still pending).

As a legislator, MK Rayten is known for her unrelenting fight for the rights of the underprivileged, including people with disabilities, the elderly, and single parents. As a member of the Judicial Selection Committee, she was instrumental in the nomination of two female Supreme Court justices and the first Muslim Supreme Court justice.