The Role of Women Leaders
Across the globe, women have been at the helm of institutions carrying out effective and inclusive COVID-19 responses, from the highest levels of decision-making to frontline service delivery.

Not only do women dominate the health care sector, they also undertake most unpaid work at home. The pandemic has amplified women’s unpaid work burdens, with much of this unpaid work-time spent on care for children, the elderly, and ill or disabled relatives.
While governments, societies, and individuals look to recover from the pandemic, we must maximise involvement by and support for women leaders in all aspects of decision-making, from politics to healthcare services to the community.
Given the proven role of women leaders throughout the pandemic and at all levels of society, as we move forward into a new post-pandemic reality, countries and communities must maximise women’s leadership to strengthen immunisation programmes and keep them resilient to future health threats.