Höfði House report 2020

Friday, June 4, 2021
Websitecover hofdi house

Höfði House will forever hold a place in history as the location of the 1986 Reykjavík Summit talks. Now, some 35 years later, it has become the site of the annual Power Together: Reykjavík Summit, a distinguished roundtable discussion among women leaders to advance progress on the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda.

Held in tandem with the Reykjavík Global Forum Women Leaders, the Power Together: Reykjavík Summit in 2020 convened an extraordinary group of women leaders for a cutting-edge conversation. This roundtable is motivated by the continued commitment of Women Political Leaders, the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, and the Council of Women World Leaders to foster inclusive conversations that help to shape global dialogue, policy, and collaboration on matters of peace and security.

One product from last year’s roundtable was the 2020 Höfði House Report, outlining key action steps necessary for reforming and scaling-up international cooperation. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had indisputable effects on global peace and security, exacerbating inequalities among the world’s most vulnerable populations while confirming the value of science as a most reliable instrument for overcoming natural threats. At the same time, the pandemic served as a wake-up call for communities and nations in the face of another equally grave threat to humanity: climate change. 

“COVID-19 is a different kind of enemy, and this is preparing us for climate change, the reversal of biodiversity, and different kinds of threats to the security of our society.” – Tarja Halonen, President of Finland

As the world grapples with social and economic recovery, the problem of climate change looms ever larger. Comprehensive with the priorities of World Environment Day, women’s equal rights and opportunities are essential to ensure progress in sustainable development and dealing with climate change. The Höfði House Report urges the adoption of “glocal” thinking and a reinvigorated multilateral system that effectively responds to the needs of women and girls around the world. 

This report marks another step on the path to greater cooperation and international engagement. Together, the world’s leaders must renew their commitments to advance the Women, Peace, and Security agenda. 

Read the full report here.
