WPL Democracy, Peace and Security Summit – Armenia

When: October 24, 2023
Summit armenia website 2


Now, more than ever, peace talks are essential ─ and women need to be part of them.

The video edition of the WPL Democracy, Peace and Security Summit – Armenia is taking place on the 24th October. In the context of UN Disarmament day, and week, the #WPLSummitArmenia video edition gathers contributions of worldwide women leaders. Their messages have one common goal: to emphasise the profound role of women in shaping global stability and safety.

The WPL Democracy, Peace, and Security Summit was broadcast on 24th October on all WPL online platforms. These discussions  set the tone for the open debate at the Security Council on Women Peace and Security, taking place on 25th October. The debate is called “Women’s participation in international peace and security: from theory to practice.


Learn more: https://wplsummit.org/

