WPL Summit 2018 – Vilnius, Lithuania

When: June 6, 2018
Wpl websitecover conferences 18

Women Political Leaders is organising the WPL Summit 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania on 6-8 June.


The WPL Summit addresses today’s intertwined global challenges, and offer the opportunity to exchange best practice of and knowledge on political decision-making. Discussions are held with the purpose to get to action. Women political leaders and selected other participants meet in the Parliament of the host country. The WPL Summit is always organised in a cooperation between WPL and the host country’s Government and Parliament. They convene around 400 participants – women political leaders from around the world: Heads of State and Government, Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians, Mayors. In addition, other experts and thought-leaders from academia, business and civil society are invited to participate. International institutions such as the UN, OECD, World Bank, Council of Women World Leaders (CWWL) and others join as partners.


More information at www.wplsummit.org
