Women’s Turn to Reshape the Future – GWL Voices Dialogue

When: January 23, 2024
Bildschirmfoto 2024 01 23 um 12.05.10

On January 22nd and 23rd, 2024, the founders and members of GWL Voices came together in Madrid, Spain, for their inaugural dialogue event, titled “Women’s Turn to Reshape the Future: GWL Voices Dialogue.”  This event served as an invitation to redefine global narratives on geopolitics and multilateral governance, shifting from a post-war world order to a multipolar, complex international landscape.

In an era marked by unprecedented and interconnected crises, the vital role of women in shaping global geopolitics has gained prominence. The GWL Voices Annual Dialogue aims to provide a dynamic platform where the voices and perspectives of women, experts, academics, and practitioners converge with the intricate fabric of international affairs.

Women in Politics: What’s Wrong?

On January 22nd, Cristina Gallach, GWL Voices, Tarja Halonen, WPL Trailblazer Awardee 2023 & GWL Voices, Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Women Political Leaders and Sahle-Work Zewde, President of Ethiopia, discussed women’s participation in politics on the “Women in Politics: What’s Wrong?” panel. Together, they examined both the progress made and the obstacles that persist. As political leaders, analysts, and activists they engaged in a candid dialogue about the evolving landscape of women’s political engagement and addressed the structural barriers that hinder women’s entry into politics, including all forms of violence, gender bias, lack of access to resources, and prevailing cultural norms. The discussion dissected the challenges and seized the opportunity to pave the way for women’s contributions in the political arena.
