WIP at the OECD Global Parliamentary Days

Entrance to the oecd conference centre april 2014

The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) joined the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Global Parliamentary Network in Paris, 8-10 February 2017.

The main programme of the 5th edition of the OECD Parliamentary Days focused on topics such as the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement, Investment, Trade, Education and Health. During this conference, WIP Delegates had the exceptional opportunity to exchange ideas with OECD experts, including the organisation’s Secretary General.

WIP Delegates were also invited to join the working session on independent fiscal institutions and the first meeting of the Parliamentary Group on Integrity & Transparency.

For more detailed information about these sessions see here. Programme of the event: www.oecd.org/parliamentarians.
