WIP at World Bank Group Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum 2016

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A delegation of six female Members of Parliament from Nigeria, Mali, Libya, Pakistan, Colombia and South Sudan, brought together by the Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI), will join the World Bank Group’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum on 1-3 March in Washington, D.C..

Despite calls from the international community, women and women’s perspectives still remain remarkably absent from the negotiation table during peace and reconciliation processes. Therefore, WIP and NDI, with the support of USAID, are facilitating the active participation of female Parliamentarians in high-level for a such as the World Bank Group’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum.

With almost half of the world’s poor expected to live in countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence by 2030, this issue is critical for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The forum will address how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in fragile and conflict-affected states.

The forum will host over 60 sessions including high-level panels, workshops, roundtables and others to facilitate a robust exchange of knowledge and experience among policymakers and practitioners, highlighting innovative work and ground breaking initiatives that can improve development solutions.

The delegation will also participate in a full-day workshop organised by the Institute for Inclusive Security on the topic of ‘gender and fragility’.

For more details, please visit the website: http://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2015/07/30/world-bank-group-fragility-conflict-and-violence-forum-2016
