#BalanceforBetter: Latin American Politicians Voice the Importance of Balance

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Histogram of of contributions 2

On International Women’s Day 2019, 30% of the over 100 politicians from 51 countries which shared with WPL their vision for a better world, came from Latin American and the Caribbean.  A notable participation from this region of the world, which testifies how equal representation between women and men is top on their agenda.

Female politicians from Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Perù, Bolivia, Haiti, and Ecuador presented clear answers to the question “What does a world with balance between women and men look like to you?” WPL asked. Better rights for women will lead to a better-balanced society.

The commitment of female politicians in the region, will be re-fuelled on the occasion of the WPL Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Meeting in Bogotá, Colombia on May 13th 2019. The two high-level sessions organised in partnership with Concordia in the context of the 2019 Concordia Americas Summit, provide a valuable platform for women politicians to address key issues affecting the region. The encounters organised by WPL also offer the opportunity for peer to peer exchange of good practices among women politicians with an emphasis on different policy areas.

The commitment of WPL in this region is not new. The sessions hosted by WPL, build on past gatherings WPL organised in the region showing how WPL’s commitment in Latin America seeks to raise awareness about the importance of women empowerment in the region and to continue efforts towards building determined communities of women political leaders across South America and the Caribbean. Past gatherings include the Women in Parliaments (WIP) Latin America Reunion in 2014 in Brazil, the 2015 WPL Summit in Mexico and the 2016 WPL APEC Women Leaders meeting in Lima, Peru.

“Imagino un mundo en donde los derechos son disfrutados por todas las personas plenamente las responsabilidades se reparten las oportunidades existen y las decisiones políticas contienen perspectiva de género,” says Guadalupe Almaguer Pardo, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico, “Imagino igualdad.”

“Difinitivamente nos ofreceria un mundo desarrollado y armonico, tengo la conviccion que la relacion intima entre la unidad de la raza humana y la igualdad de hombres y mujeres es un elemento clave para el desarrollo social de los paises en todos sus aspectos,” stated Lizbeth Hilda Robles Uribe, Member of Congress of Peru.
