Kopio Tiedostosta Bellaforsgren 0203

Bella Forsgrén

Bella Forsgrén, Member of the Parliament of Finland


Bella Forsgrén is a Finnish politician who serves as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the Green League. Born on March 20th, 1992, in Ethiopia, she was adopted by a Finnish family and grew up in Finland. Forsgrén made history in 2019 when she became the first Black woman elected to the Finnish Parliament

Her political career is marked by a strong commitment to social justice, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Forsgrén has been vocal on issues related to equality, anti-racism, and the rights of marginalized communities. She advocates for policies that promote inclusivity and social equity, focusing on areas such as immigration, education, and housing.

In addition to her legislative work, Forsgrén is known for her activism and involvement in various social causes. Her background in university politics informs her approach to policy-making, emphasizing the importance of community support and grassroots initiatives.

Bella Forsgrén continues to be a prominent figure in Finnish politics, recognized for her dedication to creating a more inclusive and equitable society.