Aminata Touré – WPL Global Ambassador for Vaccination
Prime Minister of Senegal (2013-2014). Dr. Amanita Touré holds a PhD in International Business Administration and Finance from the University of Burgundy. She was Director of the Gender and Human Rights World department of the UN Population Funds in New York (2009-2012), having previously served as a UNFPA Senior Adviser in Burkina Faso (1996-1997) and Côte d’Ivoire (1998-2001) and as Senior Adviser at UNFPA Headquarters (2003-2009). As Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Senegal (2012-2013), she focused on anti-corruption campaigns, and she continues to act as special envoy of the President of Senegal for Internal and External Affairs. During the 2018-2019 academic year, Dr. Touré held the position of Harvard Kennedy School Fisher Family Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project. From 2019 to 2020 she served as President of the Economic Council of Senegal. Her areas of expertise include Economy, Good Governance, and Gender, having worked extensively in the latter at UNFPA, where she led more than 30 publications. Dr. Touré is currently a member of the Council of Women World Leaders.